My friend Darren and I take two short back-to-back trips to Banff for night photography. During the day, we take some short scenic hikes and photograph some classic Banff scenery.
Newfoundland – Trinity and Area
We visit the open-air museum sites at Trinity, and explore the surrounding area. We spot a red fox on the Skerwink trail, and the fog parts to reveal a beautiful iceberg near the Trinity harbour entrance.
Newfoundland – Bonavista
In Bonavista we base ourselves at a traditional salt-box house. We visit Bonavista’s harbour and lighthouse, and we learn about explorer John Cabot. At Spillars Cove we get close to some puffins among cliffs that soar out of the sea.
Newfoundland – Chasing Icebergs at Twillingate
At Twillingate, we race around to see icebergs before poor weather moves in. But even in the bad weather, we still manage to spot a few icebergs.
Newfoundland – Avalon Peninsula
On our tour of the Avalon Peninsula, we get close to a northern gannet colony, we try sing along at a kitchen party in St. Shotts, we examine ancient fossils at Mistaken Point, we see our first iceberg at Ferryland, and we hike a short section of the East Coast Trail.
Newfoundland – St. John’s and area
On part one of our Newfoundland adventure, we hike North Head trail in St. Johns, we stay at a hotel patronized by royalty, we visit picturesque Petty Harbour, and we watch a minke whale round Cape Spear.
Oregon Coast: Washburne and Bullard Beach
At Washburne and Bullard, we go for long beach walks, examine tidal pools, and we look at shorebirds. We encouter a group of priests in black robes walking silently down the beach.
Oregon Coast: Nehalem Bay and Beverly Beach
In part two of our RV trip, we visit Nehalem Bay and Beverly Beach along the Oregon Coast. We do beach walks, cycle, and I shuck fresh oysters with my Swiss army knife.
Oregon Coast: Driving though Washington State
We drive our RV towards the Oregon coast via Sprague, where I photograph some old cars and trucks, and via the scenic Columbia River Canyon.
A tour around Iceland: South Coast
On the final leg of our tour of Iceland, we explore a glacial lagoon, we find icebergs washed up on a black-sand beach, and I photograph puffins on a cliff-edge near Vik.