Milky Way above Moraine Lake.  Canon RP plus RF 16/2.8 at f/4, 1600 iso, 120 s.  I combined tracked and untracked frames with equal exposure, taken back-to-back within minutes of each other, without moving the camera.  Unlike some other fake images out there, sheesh.


I encountered this Swainson’s hawk on a fence in a field near Cochrane.  I managed to walk quite close to it, and this bird stayed relaxed and didn’t fly away.  I spent a few minutes photographing it – just me and the hawk.


Mud Lake, near Lake Louise.  This lake is accessed via the Pipestone cross-country ski trail system, and is probably visited more often in winter than in summer.  The winter scenery here is great, but summer/fall brings spectacular reflections on the calm surface of this lake.


Ruffed grouse.  These birds hang out in dense bush, and it can be hard to get a clear line of sight.


Go to Photostream – spring 2022


Photostream – fall 2022