Here are two housefinches relaxing in a crabapple tree on a cold, snowy day in April. Like most finches, housefinches form strong male-female bonds.
Here are some purple finches. They look slightly different than housefinches.
This male goldfinch is molting, shedding its white-grey winter plumage and growing in bright yellow feathers. It’s the awkward phase.
This other goldfinch is almost done molting, and is donning its summer feathers.
Here is a robin trying to hide in some foliage. However the tree hasn’t leafed out yet.
White-breasted nuthatch. Nuthatches like to point downward. When they creep up and down trees this way, they spot grubs hiding in the bark that other birds miss.
Dark-eyed junco.
This western bluebird was very skittish when I tried to photograph it.
Tree swallow on a wire.